How are the prices on my listing calculated?

The prices displayed on your listing are calculated using the base rate for one night plus the booking fee. We include the booking fee so guests know exactly how much they’ll have to pay.
Please note that the
booking fee varies depending on a range of factors. It normally ranges from 8% to 16% for the majority of bookings.

For example:
Base rate for one night – 50
Booking fee – 14.5% (variable)
Displayed price – starting at 57.25
If you’ve entered an additional fee (e.g. cleaning) or require a damage deposit up front, a notification will be shown below the estimated price per night.
On TripAdvisor, travelers can click Additional fees may be applied by the manager to see details of any additional fees. On our other websites, all additional fees are listed in the price summary that is shown when travelers click Book now.

If a traveler searches for specific dates
When a traveler searches for specific dates, the prices displayed on your listing are calculated according to the rate you’ve entered for those dates, plus the variable booking fee.

For example:
Dates entered – 15-22 July (7 nights)
Nightly rate for those dates – 50
Booking fee – 14.5% (variable)
Displayed price – 400.75

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