Where can I see my listing's statistics?
To access your listing statistics, go to the Activity section where you can see:
How many visits your listing(s) have had
How many booking requests and inquiries you’ve received
How many bookings you’ve secured
You can view these stats for either the last 30 days or 12 months, and can also filter by brand (TripAdvisor, FlipKey, Holiday Lettings etc).
Managing your performance
You can also see your performance by visiting the performance page (simply select ‘see more details’ at the bottom of the performance box on the left).
Remember: Top owners accept at least 75% of booking requests and respond to least 90% of travellers within 24 hours.
In your performance section, you can review:
Your Acceptance Rate
Your Response Rate
Your Travellers' Choice Awards eligibility (if applicable)
The number of bookings you’ve cancelled
Our best owners never cancel a booking. Go to the Cancellations tab to see how you’re doing and how you can avoid future cancellations.
See More:
What is my acceptance rate and why is it important?
What is my Response rate and why is it important?