Our guidelines for owner/manager reviews

TripAdvisor allows the owners or managers of vacation rentals to review guests who booked their property on TripAdvisor or one of our vacation rental partners. In order to accept your review, it must be:

  • Family Friendly: No profanity, threats, prejudiced comments, hate speech or other non-family-friendly content. No graphic reports of violent criminal activity or participation in drug-related activity. Reports of deaths will be considered on an individual basis.

  • Unique and independent: We allow one review per booking to be submitted. Please coordinate with other authorized management or owners of your property to make certain you are the one designated to review.

  • Original: No quoted material from other sources, no hearsay, and no material published elsewhere. This includes correspondence from a guest or other third party.

  • Relevant: You may not post reviews that include content irrelevant to the guest(s) in question. No personal insults or irrelevant comments of a personal nature. Owner reviews must be based on first-hand experiences of management or their staff members.

  • Respectful of Personal Privacy: Personal information of any person, including names, addresses, phone numbers or other information that may be used to identify an individual is prohibited.

  • Non-Commercial: No promotional material of any kind, including URLs that are irrelevant to the review in question. We reserve the right to reject any URL.

  • Written with standard e-mail formatting: No HTML tags and no excessive ALL CAPS, slang, formatting issues, repeated text, or typographic symbols. Please note that most text and paragraph formatting, including lists, will not appear in reviews. Use the correct alphabet for the language in which you are writing. Do not transliterate into another alphabet. Machine translated reviews that are unreadable or incomprehensible will not be accepted. We will reject reviews written in two languages
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