What is Instant book and how does it work?

Please note: We’ve taken the decision to temporarily disable Instant Booking. This means that you'll have to manually accept or decline booking requests within 24 hours (through your owner centre or owner app). If you feel confident that you can accept bookings automatically without verifying them first, you can turn Instant Booking back on through your owner centre under My account.

With Instant Book, travellers who meet your requirements and agree to your house rules can book your rental without submitting a booking request. As long as the travellers’ dates are available, the booking will be instantly confirmed.

How does it work?
You don’t have to lift a finger! Instant bookings are confirmed automatically, which means you no longer have to accept manually or worry about expiring booking requests.
You’ll receive your payout as usual, 24 hours after the travellers’ arrival at your property.

Instant Book is only available to accounts that meet certain criteria. Currently, these are:

  • An Acceptance Rate of 75% or higher

  • At least 3 bookings in the last two years rolling

  • Listed on the free-to-list plan

  • A Cancellation Rate of 20% or lower

How can I activate or deactivate Instant Book?
Activating Instant Book is easily done through your Owner Centre:

  • Select My Account

  • Go to Online booking settings

  • Select the Instant Book switch – it’s on when the toggle turns green

To turn it off, simply repeat the same steps so the toggle is grey.


Instant Book checklist
Before enabling this functionality, make sure you’re ready for Instant Book by using our checklist below:  

  • Update your calendar regularly

  • Set up rates for the next 12 to 18 months

  • Enter seasonal rates for any special events or peak seasons where you want to charge more

  • Select your guest requirements in the Booking Policies page

  • Update your House Rules – travellers are asked to review and accept these when they book

  • Set up your availability settings by setting:

    • Advance notice – Do you accept last-minute bookings? Here you can select how much notice you need to get your rental ready for your guests.

  • Booking window – How far in advance can travelers book your property? You’ll decide this by setting your booking window.

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