How do I add, reorder or remove my photos?

Go to Photos in your account:

  • To add a photo: click Add more photos, find the image file on your computer and upload.

  • To delete a photo: select the photo you want to delete and click Delete.

  • To re-order your photos: just click and drag the photos into your preferred order. 

To edit a photo, you’ll need to delete the existing photo first before adding the new, edited photo. Follow the instructions above.
We encourage you to upload the highest quality photos that you can.
Original digital images are best, and we'd suggest a minimum of a 1MB file. If you happen to know the resolution of your image files, 72dpi is often enough, but 300dpi is recommended. If you don't know this information, it's not crucial, you can judge it on file size alone.
Your photo files can be up to 30MB in size. At this size though you may wish to upload one at a time, as the larger the file the longer it will take.

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