How are stays of less or more than a week calculated?

If your minimum stay is less than seven nights, you need to provide a nightly rate. You also have the option of providing weekly and monthly rates for longer stays. You can do this in Rates

Stays of less than a week

For example, if a guest wishes to stay for three nights:

  • If you have provided a nightly rate, the system will calculate the full cost of a guest’s stay based on 3 x the nightly rate.
  • If you haven’t yet provided a nightly rate, the system will automatically divide your weekly rate by seven to calculate your nightly rate. The full cost of a guest’s stay will be 3 x the automatically calculated nightly rate. 
Stays of more than a week

For example, if a guest wishes to stay for ten nights:
  • If you have only provided a nightly rate, the system will calculate the full cost of a guest’s stay based on 10 x the nightly rate.
  • If you have provided a weekly rate, the system will automatically divide your weekly rate by seven to calculate your nightly rate. The cost of the guest’s stay will be this automatically calculated nightly rate x 10.
Haven’t provided a nightly rate?

For maximum control over your pricing, we recommend providing a nightly rate. Go to Rates to do this.
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