How do reviews work?

Who can leave a review?


Anyone who has stayed at your rental in the last two years can leave a review.

You can also request a review from any previous guest, even if they didn’t book through a TripAdvisor site.

Remember: just three or four reviews can double traveler interest in your listing!


How do guests leave a review?


If your guest booked through us and hasn’t stayed yet:

  • We'll remind your guest to leave a review both during their stay and when they leave. 

  • The guest's review will appear on all TripAdvisor sites that feature your listing.

  • You can post a response to the review for other travellers to see. Simply go to Reviews and select Respond.


If your guest booked another way, or stayed previously:

  • You can request a review directly from any guest. Simply go to Reviews, select Collect Reviews and enter the guest's email address under Request Review.

  • Guests from a group will be asked to add the name of the guest who signed the lease agreement so you know which party they belonged to.

  • The guest's review will appear on all TripAdvisor sites that feature your listing.

  • You can post a response to the review for other travellers to see. Simply go to Reviews and select Respond.

All owner reviews of guests and subsequent responses must comply with our guidelines and be written about genuine guests.

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